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Neena Balan 

The goal of this dissertation is to discover the pervasive but frequently hidden history of Indian photography. Since photography was created in the west, the only choice available to an Indian student, researcher, or aspiring photographer who wishes to learn about photography and its history is to study under western masters.


However, photography was introduced in India not long after the western world was introduced. It was practised and taught in India from around 1860. Despite the fact that we do not refer to our own masters, the majority of the masters' photography works were not archived, documented, or destroyed by time.


The National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad launched a remarkable endeavour to discover antiquated photographic masterpieces all throughout India through its students. Each student shall help locate a photographer or a collection of images from their family, community, or other location and research the photographer and how photography was conducted in that area.


Neena Balan was a local Photographer from Calicut who explored and documented the era of his life with his camera. He was not particularly well-known for his photography, but he was active with various cultural & art forms and made his identity. Also made his debut in the film industry as an actor in the film titled “Amma.” He acted in quite a few movies as well. Apart from this, he was a great dancer, swimmer, Bodybuilder & footballer.


He was recognised by Govt with an All India Photo Journalism Award in 1974 Akashavani(AIR) and Rotary club recognized him with a lifetime achievement award.


His biography would have been a remarkable story for all types of cultural activities of his time but unfortunately, many of them could not recognize his extraordinary talent.

© Dheeresh Madhav

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